Classical Education Homeschool Curriculum

What does a Classical Education with GCE look like?
At GCE we provide weekly agendas to help guide you through your curriculum levels with two options:
Our first option provides the “agenda only” model for our students that need a curriculum and are self-motivated learners.
Our second option is our hybrid style program. This offers a mentor – guided online classroom mixed with at-home, offline, and self-paced learning schedule. This option is for families that prefer live support for both the parents and the students.
GCE's Classical Education Approach
A full year program covers 4 disciplines – Exposition, Formal Logic, Science and Debate.
Included in these disciplines are grammar, literature, philosophy, history, poetry, research, *science experiments, *science labs, geography and social studies.
(*science materials for experiments and labs are optional and are not included in the program’s price.)
GCE's Philosophy
Our balanced approach to learning integrates technology and traditional print resources to enhance the learning process. We use technology to connect students with peers around the world, fostering global dialogues about shared challenges and solutions. We strive to teach students to view challenges as opportunities for growth and to learn from failures.