Kaeley Whitacre
1 Course • 11 StudentsBiography
Kaeley is a 2023 high school graduate who is pursuing a history degree as part of Liberty University’s Honors Program. She competed in debate for five years through the National Christian Forensics and Communications Association (NCFCA). Though she was hesitant to begin competitive speech and debate she grew significantly in her communication abilities and is passionate about sharing what she learned with others. During her time in the league, she competed in Team Policy, Lincoln-Douglas, and Moot Court debate, and Limited Preparation and Platform speaking events. She qualified to the NCFCA National Championship three years in a row (twice in Lincoln-Douglas and once in Team Policy), and placed top eight in the league each time. At the 2022 National Championship she and her debate partner placed 2nd in Team Policy debate. Additionally, she qualified to the National Championship in all three Limited Preparation speech events (Apologetics, Extemporaneous, and Impromptu) winning Extemporaneous at the 2023 Regional Championship and placing nationally in Impromptu at both the 2022 and 2023 North Carolina Open.